Sunday, October 14, 2007

Been away too long!

Well, finally I feel up to making a new post! I just haven't been in the mood to do it recently. A lot has happened since my last post! Whew! Amy's video of our gaming session was fun and in turn has got Mike and I off our duffs to complete a project of ours. This project has been on the back burner for quite some time! We needed this nudge big time. For the time being it must remain a secret! Hehe! Anyhow, we hooked up last night for some gaming! We played one of our favorite 2 player games, Battle Line! That game rocks! Not to mention it's designed by my favorite game designer...Reiner Knizia! I own several of his games and love each one! Some more than others though. But each one is great! I managed to win Battle Line! After a few hands of Magic the Gathering,we moved on to play Thurn & Taxis: Power and Glory. Another personal favorite of mine. The Thurn & Taxis games are not by Knizia BTW. Anyhow, Mike whooped me pretty good on that one! After that we broke out Arkham Horror. Ugh! I'm just not crazy about that game! It's got everything that I like in a game, but it just doesn't feel right with this game. We ended up winning it rather quickly ( this is a rarity! ). I actually semi enjoyed this session of Arkham Horror. It wasn't that bad. To finish the night, we played Formula De. I won that one, but just barely though! It was close! That's it for now! Later!


Mike David said...

I'm glad that Arkham was able to give you a Semi...Enjoyment that is. Yeah I really think I do like that Thurn and Taxis better then the original, it seems more streamlined somehow.

Scott said...

Arkham was tolerable! Hehe! I just got the Mystery Train cards in today. I plan to try them out tonight. I'll let you know how they do. Also, I taught my mom Battle Line yesterday. She liked it and kicked my butt 4 outta 4 games! Beginners' luck! At least I'm getting my moneys' worth out of the game now! Later!