Thursday, November 22, 2007

Who'd a thunk it???

This post is dedicated to the ( seemingly ) odd game themes from Europe. For example, who would have thought that games about post offices ( Thurn & Taxis ), power stations ( Power Grid ) and a presidential election ( 1960: The Making of a President ) would FUN for instance?! I had my reservations about these titles and quite a few others in the past and recently. I was not sure that they would be that entertaining, BUT, I was SO wrong! Granted, there have been and still are some VERY odd themed games here in the States. But the "Euro" game designers continually surprise me with the off the wall game themes and innovative game mechanics they churn out each year! I am SO glad I took a chance and bought the games I mentioned above ( and many others! )! WOW! My friends and family enjoy them a great deal! Strange themes aside, I'm just happy to play these fun, entertaining, sometimes thought provoking games! These games keep my imagination alive! So many are content to go day to day and sit in front of the TV ( if it works for you...have at it! ). I personally can't stand ( or sit! ) watching TV all the time! I want the interaction and communication ( even if it's cursing at times! Haha! MIKE! ). Anyways, I would have never come across or even considered buying these game if it hadn't been for BGG! I cannot recommend that site enough! It has everything you need to know in order to make a wise purchase and answer any questions about a game if one ( or more ) should arise. So take a look and take a leap into a whole new world of board games! You won't be disappointed! Unless you don't like to fun? Happy gaming!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Weekend 11-16 & 11-17 Pt. II

Part II! Mike suggested a game of "Colosseum" and we got down to some good old Roman fun! SUPER close game! He beat me by only one point! Cool game and I like it better with each play!

Next, we played Mike's favorite Richard Borg game, "BattleLore"! Just kidding! It's his least favorite. I'm still puzzled by his attitude towards it. He's explained how he's only miffed about some things and I have to agree with a point. I love the concept of the game and I ALWAYS enjoy it EVERY time I get to play it! Granted, I LOVE it's cousin, "Memoir '44" the most, but it is a great game! The first picture of our game is just before hostilities began. The last picture is when the dust settled and I was victorious! Oh yeah!!

Later today I will be receiving "1960 : The Making of a President" and the German Game of the Year for 2007, "Zooloretto". Check them out on BGG! I looking forward to a good fight for votes with Mike soon! Plus, enjoy an exciting animal collecting game with the kids! See ya!

The Weekend 11-16 & 11-17 Pt. I

Another weekend for the record books! Been gone too long once again. Mike and I got in some good gaming in last weekend! I had just bought "El Grande" and we played it a couple times. First game ended with a tie, but Mike took me by 8 points on the follow up game! You're a turd. Did I ever tell you that? What a game it turned out to be. It can be a bit of a brain burner at times. Actually, it's not hard, but it does leave with some very important decisions to be made. I was also impressed at the fact you're never really out of it. If you're behind for a bit ( like Mike was in our first game ), it's not too much of reach to catch up! Well, you'd really have to bungle it up to screw up your chances.

At the same time I got "El Grande", I got the new expansion for "Infernal Contraption" called "Sabotage". This set of cards are mixed in with the base set and add some "screw your buddy" ( well, even more than before! ) stuff to it! I really like the game all around and have a good time assembling my machine! Mike isn't as keen on the game as I or Ed, but he's strange! Hahaha! We still like him anyways! BTW, this picture is the end game pic! We both did well, but his machine was a bit more efficient than mine. Lucky bastard! Haha!

Next, we broke out "Carcassonne: The City". This is one of my personal favorites of the "Carcassonne" series! Now this game can cause some serious AP at times! Mike slaughtered me at this game Saturday night! Next time pal! The meeples will fly! Once again, this is the finished game picture.

I'll finish up my session report in "The Weekend 11-16 & 11-17 Pt. II". Later!