Thursday, November 22, 2007

Who'd a thunk it???

This post is dedicated to the ( seemingly ) odd game themes from Europe. For example, who would have thought that games about post offices ( Thurn & Taxis ), power stations ( Power Grid ) and a presidential election ( 1960: The Making of a President ) would FUN for instance?! I had my reservations about these titles and quite a few others in the past and recently. I was not sure that they would be that entertaining, BUT, I was SO wrong! Granted, there have been and still are some VERY odd themed games here in the States. But the "Euro" game designers continually surprise me with the off the wall game themes and innovative game mechanics they churn out each year! I am SO glad I took a chance and bought the games I mentioned above ( and many others! )! WOW! My friends and family enjoy them a great deal! Strange themes aside, I'm just happy to play these fun, entertaining, sometimes thought provoking games! These games keep my imagination alive! So many are content to go day to day and sit in front of the TV ( if it works for you...have at it! ). I personally can't stand ( or sit! ) watching TV all the time! I want the interaction and communication ( even if it's cursing at times! Haha! MIKE! ). Anyways, I would have never come across or even considered buying these game if it hadn't been for BGG! I cannot recommend that site enough! It has everything you need to know in order to make a wise purchase and answer any questions about a game if one ( or more ) should arise. So take a look and take a leap into a whole new world of board games! You won't be disappointed! Unless you don't like to fun? Happy gaming!


Ed said...

I must say, at first I didn't really like Thurn & Taxis, but after we played it those few times when you were here last, I just can't wait to play it again, both versions are awesome.When I first heard about it I was like "What th...." but it turnes out to be a great game, and yes who would have thunk that a game about power stations would be fun, I love that game.

Scott said...

I'm glad you like T&T! I know it's a favorite with everyone I've introduced to it. Speaking of Power Grid, the new deck of cards is in at TH! However, I have to wait till another pre-order is complete before it'll be shipped! Ahhhh! Oh well, at least I'll have it soon. I pre-ordered that Felix: The Cat in Sack by Friese and Abbey & Mayor ( Carcassonne exp. ) again. My M44 Air Pack is due in December still. Mike and I have held off on playing M44 till it comes in. Anyways, I'll catch ya later!

Scott said...

BTW Ed, the next time you and I play one on one ( and have some time )I'd like to think you'd try out 1960: The Making of a President! I've finally got it down enough to play a solo game ( well, for a few rounds at least ). I didn't go as far as the "debates" or even to "the election day", but those aren't that hard to figure out. Actually, most of the game consists of campaigning. You can play the cards in your hand to influence the other guy or yourself, add support to certain issue(s)and campaign advertising. It's not that hard of a game mechanically. But, you do have to be on the ball at times from what I can tell! The game is set up SO cool and is quite unique to anything we've played before, yet it is not too far out for us. It is a card driven game after all and you rely on a good hand ( that IS familiar to us! ). There is luck involved too, but doesn't a candidate have to "roll with the punches" anyway? What I'm getting at is the designers applied the uncertainty of the public sentiment and your opponent's actions SO great in it! Your always trying to stabilize your campaign and keep a foothold in certain regions, with the media and on important issues ( defense, economy and civil rights ). Not only do you have to work with little resources ( cards )during each turn, but you must lay one down in each turn for the upcoming "debates"! WOW! I'm getting too excited here and I'm rambling! Anyways, I let myself get intimidated by the rule book at first and had a helluva time figuring out the little things! Patience paid off in the long run and I've grown to appreciate it A LOT! I'd teach my mom just to get a game in, but I'm not sure she could wrap her head around it quick enough. She'd give up probably. It is like a "war game", but a different battle field and different "weapons"! Haha! You'll see!

Ed said...

I don't know, I guess I will have to try it out, you know what sounds fun to me is that cold war game Cia vs KGB. Ive heard that one is pretty good. and a little closer to home since I actually kind of remember this part of history.

Scott said...

You don't have to know history to play it. Just like our other history games. It's a card driven game so everything you need to know is right there. I'm positive you'd like it!

Mike David said...

Well, I for one am looking forward to playing 1960. I'm sorry I was sick Scott and we weren't able to play this weekend but we will this weekend I promise.

Scott said...

Hell, I was sick last week myself! No biggie! I'd rather have you in tip top shape so you can't use any excuses when I achieve a landslide victory! Hahaha! Just kidding! However, I am going to what I can to ruin your campaign and become the President!!! Yahoo! You are going to like the game!! Oh yeah! See ya Friday!