Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Weekend 11-16 & 11-17 Pt. I

Another weekend for the record books! Been gone too long once again. Mike and I got in some good gaming in last weekend! I had just bought "El Grande" and we played it a couple times. First game ended with a tie, but Mike took me by 8 points on the follow up game! You're a turd. Did I ever tell you that? What a game it turned out to be. It can be a bit of a brain burner at times. Actually, it's not hard, but it does leave with some very important decisions to be made. I was also impressed at the fact you're never really out of it. If you're behind for a bit ( like Mike was in our first game ), it's not too much of reach to catch up! Well, you'd really have to bungle it up to screw up your chances.

At the same time I got "El Grande", I got the new expansion for "Infernal Contraption" called "Sabotage". This set of cards are mixed in with the base set and add some "screw your buddy" ( well, even more than before! ) stuff to it! I really like the game all around and have a good time assembling my machine! Mike isn't as keen on the game as I or Ed, but he's strange! Hahaha! We still like him anyways! BTW, this picture is the end game pic! We both did well, but his machine was a bit more efficient than mine. Lucky bastard! Haha!

Next, we broke out "Carcassonne: The City". This is one of my personal favorites of the "Carcassonne" series! Now this game can cause some serious AP at times! Mike slaughtered me at this game Saturday night! Next time pal! The meeples will fly! Once again, this is the finished game picture.

I'll finish up my session report in "The Weekend 11-16 & 11-17 Pt. II". Later!


Mike David said...

You were just out of practice on that Carcassone game, we don't play them as much as we use to. We should play them more, I feel like playing the Hunters and Gatherers version.

Scott said...

I just couldn't get it together in that game. I let you get the lead to easily. I should have played more aggressively. Live and learn! H&G sounds good to me too. Later.